专辑简介:音阙诗听2020年最新专辑《我不是病毒》。2020年初,一种新冠病毒从中国武汉华南海鲜市场开始,短短一个月时间,散开蔓延到世界。时间仿佛暂停在病毒爆发的那一刻,新闻里的播音或平淡或严肃,无一不开始向民众诉说病毒的严重性,而正当中国在齐心攻克这种病毒时,一些国外的媒体开始……【点击更多】专辑简介:音阙诗听2020年最新专辑《我不是病毒》。2020年初,一种新冠病毒从中国武汉华南海鲜市场开始,短短一个月时间,散开蔓延到世界。时间仿佛暂停在病毒爆发的那一刻,新闻里的播音或平淡或严肃,无一不开始向民众诉说病毒的严重性,而正当中国在齐心攻克这种病毒时,一些国外的媒体开始谣传“中国人是病毒”。无数外国人呐喊着要将中国人驱逐出境,匆忙的行动里布满了对国人的歧视与厌恶。但,当真相逐渐浮现,人们对未知的恐惧消退,是否能,从根本上来看待这一切呢? 世卫组织将新冠病毒命名为“COVID-19”,是“COVID-19”,不是中国病毒,也不叫武汉病毒。这是一种传染病,却并不意味着所有中国人,都是病毒。而在这种时刻,更需要整个人类社会去努力攻克病毒。我不是病毒,他们不是,你也不是。愿世界心怀善意,仅此而已。In early 2020, a new coronavirus started from southern China in Wuhan, and spread to the world within a month. Time seemed to pause at the moment of the outbreak. The media of different countries tell people the seriousness of the virus in different ways, and while China is working together to defeat the virus, some foreign false news began to spread the rumor that Chinese are a virus. Numerous foreigners clamour to deport the Chinese, and the hasty action is filled with discrimination and disgust. But as the truth emerges and the fear of the unknown recedes, is it possible to see all of this fundamentally? WHO named the new coronavirus covid-19, which is covid-19, not the Chinese virus, nor the wuhan virus. This is an infectious disease, but it doesn't mean that all Chinese are viruses. At such a time, it is even more necessary for the whole human society to work hard to conquer the virus. I'm not a virus, they're not, and neither are you. May the world have goodwill, that's all.【点击收起】